Every time someone buys something off our registry, the man in my life (TMIML is too long, right?), calls me and updates me. Looks like someone has a case of registry-stalkaholism.
I find this...fascinating. Especially considering that registering was about as pleasant as a dentist appointment.
1 day ago
Are there lots of manly techy things on your list or has he just found a deep love for crockery!
I know my boy will get super excited if we have a gift list.
Uhh - mine is OBSESSED! He checks everyday & since Pottery Barn has a little list that shows you who bought what, he calls & tells me too. My usual response: "Cool! Now *you* write the thank you note."
My dude does this too!!! Yesterday I thought he was bumming around on his usual dude websites when he suddenly announced "we got knives!"
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